Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome 2011!

I participated in an online challenge in late 2010 called "30 Days of Positivity". It was simple in theory; you posted a positive something-or-other about each day for 30 days. It proved to be difficult. Some days I found myself really searching for something to post about; but, I did it. At the end of the 30 days I was astounded at the change that had taken place within myself. I was able to find the silver lining in any situation...nothing seemed doomed.

Now everyone knows that New Year's resolutions usually fly out the window by the end of January, and I'm no different. But this year I'm resolving to post positives not just for 30 days, but for every single day of this year. Short, simple, sweet posts so that I can be that uplifted person that I was after my 30 days of positive thinking a couple of months ago. I hope that I can come out at the other end of this year with a better outlook, disposition, and inner peace, and maybe (just maybe) that I can lead someone else to find a little more good in their world.

So, to ring in 2011 on a positive note, here we go....

Positivity Day #1
I spent a wonderful afternoon with my two boys at my parent's house, eating corned beef and all the trimmings. I even taught my father how to upload pictures to Facebook from his computer.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Brilliant plan! I think I should steal this plan! =D