I'm moving right along on my Popcorn Delight afghan, though I'm at a stalemate until I stop at Michael's today to snag some more yarn. I've completed & joined 7 out of 15 squares now, and the ends are even woven in already! Knowing my tendency to get bored with a project of any size I'm really forcing myself to have tunnel vision so that I stay focused. Now I just have to decide what my reward for finishing ahead of deadline will be to bring me home!

My Venetian Vampires scarf is not moving along as quickly. Like I said...forced tunnel vision on the afghan. I've managed a pattern repeat and part of another, so all in all about 26 rows on it, this week. Still, progress is progress and the farther along I get on this the more I love the pattern, the yarn...heck, EVERYTHING about it, I guess :)
Both projects are currently packed up and ready for a little road trip, as we're leaving in just a couple of hours to take my youngest to Cincinnati for a post-op appointment. I have about 5 hours of crafting time in my future on the drive, unless I get bored and kick the hubby out of the driver's seat. I should be able to crank out at least 2 squares, regardless!
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